My whole life I have been having dreams that I figured were just dreams; random events and people. Typical dreams that dont make sense and are just surreal thoughts and ideas. Since Ive been in Sierra Leone I have been having the strangest sense of what I guess you can call Deja Vu. Im not sure its the same thing though. I without a doubt have dreamt alot of what has happened here, years and years before. I keep having experiences that I get the crazy Deja Vu feeling with and remember a strange dream that I didnt think anything of when I had it. Just made up places and faces, but alas, it was a look into my future. So not to sound crazy but I have had prolific dreams I guess then...Is this the same thing as Deja Vu? Does anyone else have this? Anywho, I have never felt so in line with my "destiny" and constantly keep having my dreams played out, which I can only take it as a sign that I am on the right path.
School is now in full swing here and I'm getting my teach on. Going well. Teaching only Electronics now for the time being, but I love it. Trying to get basic science (atoms, matter) across first, so we will see how it goes. Its gonna be interesting teaching electronics with no electronics to show. Improvise! Gonna start doing after school tutoring in math for the kids about to take the BECE. It is one of the most failed parts of the test, so if I can maybe help at least one kid get through I will feel good.
Josh and I are wanting to get a phone card and call you, Mr. Cody. Do you know about how much we should get on it? Is there a good time to call you? It probably won't get done in the next few days, but we'd really like to say hi! I can tell you of my heroic tale of saving a baby from a bear while breaking my leg. haha. You can email us about the phone card and we can set something up. I know you don't get internet that often, but give us an idea of when to call and such. We miss you!!!